Sponge cake

Sponge cake

Categories: Sweets, Sweetest Line Preparations Code: 36065 Packaging: Astuccio Format: 2x470g Drained weight: n.d. Storage: Secco Shelf life: 24 mesi

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Classic base for creating excellent desserts to accompany creams and mousses.

2 pouches of 480g
1 pouch: develops 700g of sponge cake
1 pouch: 1400g of sponge cake
Cost: about €7.00 per kg
Out-of-pack ingredients: 250 ml cold water

Pour cold water into planetary mixer, add one bag of mix for every 250 ml of water. Mix with hook “k” for 4 minutes at maximum speed. Pour into a 20-22 diameter mold, previously treated with spray release agent. Bake in a 160° oven for 20 minutes.


Ottima base per torte, zuccotti, bavaresi e semifreddi. Considerevole la tenuta della bagna per tre volte il peso.